Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What about the damn title?

So I decided to make a blog :| An entirely anonymous one. What else is new about that? Absolutely nothing. What's new about me, 20 year old me sitting in his room in Bombay (I refuse to call my home Mumbai) writing in what he thinks is impeccable English for an audience of equally anonymous people who probably won't even read what his little mind has to say? What is, in fact, different about this rant itself, doubtlessly posted by hundreds of other bloggers when they wrote THEIR first blogs? Absolutely nothing.

It doesn't matter if no one reads this, I suppose. Then again, I recant that in the eventuality of this blog becoming popular down the line. I don't know when I started writing, really. At first I found it gratifying to just write for myself, to get my thoughts out. But then I realised writing is a cathartic process that necessarily involves the voyeurism of other people. I'll also be starting my career as a Journalist soon, so I figured having a blog to maintain is probably as good a way as any to get into the habit of writing.

As for the title. Well, I tried half a dozen names I liked MORE than this one but they were all taken. So WittyWankings it is.

Yours truly,


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