Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why yes gentlemen, I AM lazy!

So my self-promise to update this damned thing at least once in three days has gone down the shithole. I suppose it doesn't matter now since I'm writing, but ah what the hell, better that I say it out loud and admit to it than just clam up and pretend like this is my 1396th post. In 5 days time I shall face the bane of all procrastinators such as myself, work. I have been an invalid since April, and much as I hate to admit it, I'm fucking bored. I never thought that it'd happen to me, but it has.

I must admit though, TSJ hasn't turned out to be what I had hoped. With all the tall promises made to us at the induction ceremony, I was at LEAST expecting them to start on time. Oh well, c'est la vie or whatever. Until next time,

Lazily yours,
